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Fonctionnement pour les rendez-vous en toilettage


Que ce soit pour un traitement de la mue, un traitement moufette ou pour un bain de rafraichissement, nos toiletteurs sont la!

Veuillez nous contacter en boutique, sur la page Facebook ou en remplissant le formulaire qui suit:


Nos services sont a 60$ de l'heure. Un petit chien peux varier entre 75$-90$ et les gros 120$ et plus dépendant du travail a faire sur votre chien. 

Nous offrons aussi la tonte de chat pour 60$ avant-taxes. 

Chien se toiletter

How we work

At Ö'Spot, every grooming is  made with love. We treat your animals as if they were our own. We are meticulous, but still prioritize ethics over aesthetics.

Each animal has its time of arrival and departure. Each groomer takes care of his dog, one to  that time. There is therefore no drying or waiting in the cage, which improves the end result, prevents the spread of diseases and viruses and reduces stress. You will be contacted when your dog's grooming is complete. We do not keep dogs all day, since waiting in the salon is anxiety-provoking for the majority of them.  

In the meantime, your dog will be free in the grooming section of the store if he is alone;  otherwise, it will be attached to a hook on the wall. At no time will he be in contact with other animals.

The products used are soft and of high quality. We are at  the lookout  new products that will improve  the condition of your pet's skin and coat.​ We have different treatments at  offer you.

All equipment, tools and table included, is disinfected between each grooming  to prevent the spread of skin diseases or viruses. 

Nelly et Téa, les deux belles pouliches

Téa and Nelly

Juno est propre 🥰 belle fille! #ospotin


Did you know? 

Ear waxing is no longer relevant! Completely removing all  hair in the ear can cause infections and inflammation. Instead we proceed to a selective removal of dead hair, if necessary and when it is likely to create a plug in the ear. The skin microbiota is thus preserved.

Dog Grooming

We suggest one grooming per season (every 3 months) and à la carte services according to your needs.  

We determine the cost of grooming on site. Prices vary depending on the size of the dog, the length and condition of the hair, as well as the desired cut .

The full service includes:

  • Bath with shampoo and conditioner 
  • Deep drying
  • Styling or trimming
  • Brushing/detangling
  • Ear cleaning
  • Claw trimming
  • Shaving of the underside of paws
  • Scarf and/or bows  (if desired)
  • Perfume
  • WARNING! Note that if your pet has fleas, an amount of $40 plus taxes will be added to your bill to cover the cost of decontamination of the premises, shampooing to eliminate fleas and their eggs, and the groomer's overtime.
Molting treatment

Traitement de la mue

Molting Treatment

We offer this treatment to dogs at the time of molting. You will recognize this period by an intense hair loss or you will notice that the hair is much denser near the skin. This density prevents the skin from breathing: the cycle of hair change is then difficult.  We will give it a little boost!  


Treatment of molting consists of a 30-60 bath minutes during which we thoroughly clean the coat and dislodge the molting hair. The  products used are offered exclusively to groomers since several shampoos and a variety of equipment are required.  We own the products of the very famous DOGMÀ company!​

Un make-over de complété! Ceci n’aurait
Mixed dogs

Chien mêlé

Tangled Dogs

Some dogs will show up at the appointment with a coat requiring special care given the knots and the fact that the hair is very tangled. Under such conditions, the work is harder and the success of the desired cut is compromised.


This is why it is important to brush your dog every day and everywhere. It is long and painful for your pet to undergo intensive disentangling due to several months of neglect in daily care. In addition, we risk hurting them when the knots are stuck to the skin.

If it is not possible for us to make the desired cut, we will suggest the cut that best suits your pet's needs before shearing. Our goal is for grooming to become an activity they enjoy.

Borrowed image 


Shower &
Grooming Bath

A shower is available for dogs that are too heavy for bathing. The dog will only have to climb a small step by itself to be installed in this shower.

Welcome to Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Pyrenean Mountains, Great Danes and other large doggies that can be difficult to groom at home.

Claw trim

Coupe de griffes

Claw Trimming

The claw trimming for dogs and cats is offered without an appointment, at a cost of $ 10 plus tax.

Small animals are also welcome! Rodents, birds, hedgehogs, ferrets etc. will receive the service at $5 plus tax. 

Skunk treatment

Traitement moufette

Skunk reatment


Your dog got sprayed by a skunk? No problem. We offer the odor treatment service for only $ 10 additional to the full grooming service.

If you are comfortable doing the treatment at home, we sell the products in store.


Come see us! 


Coupe lion 

Cat Grooming and Nail Covers


The grooming service for cats includes lion cut (as pictured), ear cleaning, nail trimming, dry shampoo and a scarf.

We also offer the installation of nail covers for cats. We have a great variety  of colors in bulk.


Make an appointment!

Did you know? 

Ear waxing is no longer relevant! Completely removing all  hair in the ear can cause infections and inflammation. Instead we proceed  To  selective hair removal of dead hair, if necessary and when it is likely to create  a plug in the ear. The skin microbiota is thus preserved.


This little creature hides in the lawn, the tall grasses, the forest, the woods, wherever there are mammals and birds.

Ticks do not jump like fleas: they lie on their backs, legs in the air, and wait for their victim.

Do a thorough self-examination of your body and your dog"s after each outing in the wild. The tick clings to its victim for 3 to 10 days!

Got a tick? Do not panic. The bacterium transmitting Lyme disease (borellia) would take between twelve and twenty-four hours to infect the bodies of humans and dogs. So you have time to remove the tick with a tick remover that you will find at Ö’Spot! This way you will be sure to have removed the head of the tick.

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